Presented at Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. Identification of Rice Suitability Areas in Bangladesh Using Various Thematic Maps. Presented at Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology Sweden. Land use change detection using Multi-temporal Satellite Data of Gazipur District in Bangladesh. Forest Cover Mapping Using Fuzzy Supervised Classification Technique. Natural Gas Pipeline-Routing and Optimal Paths in Sweden – A GIS analysis approach. 4th Malaysian National Remote Sensing Conference, 2004. Identification of Potential Landslide Risk Areas in Bangladesh: A GIS and Remote Sensing Study. Change Detection of Winter Crop Coverage and the use of Landsat Data with GIS. International Conference on Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 2007, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Detection of Changes in the Jamuna-Padma River Floodplain using Landsat Satellite Imageries. Shamshul Alam, Professor, Department of Geography and Environmental Study, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh Identification of Boro Rice Suitability in Bangladesh using GIS. Junior GIS Specialist: (Feb 05-July05) SYMMIT Grant. Remote Sensing Specialist: ( Feb 08- present)- Horizon Mapping ( ), Madison, Wisconsin, USA.Ĥ. Project Manager: (August 08-August 09) Digital Change Detection of super cyclone ‘SIDR’ of theīarguna District using State-of- the art Remotely Sensed Imageries.Ĭo-partner: Jim Cory, GIS Analyst, Horizon Mapping, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.ģ. Gustav Tolt, Scientist, Devision of Sensor Systems, Linköping, Sweden. Remote Sensing Data Analyst: (Nov-Dec, 2007) Swedish Defence Research Agency (FOI), Sweden.Ģ. (2002) – Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh.ġ. Thesis: Application of Geoinformation Techniques and the identification of potential landslide risk areas in Bangladesh.ī.Sc. (2003) – Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Thesis: Assessment of Landuse and Land Degradation in the North-Western part of Bangladesh using Landsat Satellite Imageries. (2007) - Geodesy and Geoinformatics, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. I like terrain surface analysis using either LiDAR or GPS height data. Moreover, various spatial analyses based on spatial and non-spatial data are my favourite as well. I’m very much interested on environmental mapping, monitoring, measuring, and modelling using satellite remote sensing imagery as well as LiDAR data.